Firefox Multi Tab Rows after v74
EDIT December 7th: As the Multirow-Pather is discontinued, and the latest Firefix 108 breaks the tweak, I am using this solution:
Starting with Quantum you could no longer have Firefox have multiple tab rows. There were some plugins doing that, but they stopped working. For a while there was a hack where you do some complex css modifications in userChrome.css, but that hack stopped working on Linux with Firefox 74 or so.
With a patch created by Izheil you can now download a little program that fixes some firefox files to enable multi tab rows (and other stuff). Just Download latest Multirow-Patcher-Quantum-Nox-Installer-Linux-1.7.10.elf
from here, make it executable and open in it terminal. You then get a simple dialog where you choose your settings and submit with the “Patch” button down below on the right: