Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic Beaver install problems on ASUS ROG GL753VD
31. July 2018
Got a new notebook with better graphics card today: ASUS ROG GL753VD – it came with a Linux preinstalled I have never heard before: Endless OS. Since its Debian based ..
WordPress: Get second Menu Level only
25. September 2015
This function returns the second nav menu level of a wordpress custom menu according to the current active page.
How to add preview thumbs to your WordPress RSS2-Feed
4. September 2015
I searched a while to find an elegant solution to add preview thumbs to your WordPress RSS2-Feed. Most „solutions“ I found just append the image to the excerpt or content. ..
Solution: Roundcube Error 500 on Ubuntu 13.10
30. December 2013
Today I tried to install roundcube several times on my new server. I could connect to my imap mail accounts with thunderbird from home but not with roundcube on the ..